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About East Surrey

Finding Inspiration in Every Turn

his page is dedicated to all things Soul Purpose 360 East Surrey.

Here you can find out who the local facilitators are, dates of meetings and much more.

East Surrey is a well-connected inner Home Counties seat, combining the town of Horley with Surrey's residual District Tandridge (as opposed to Boroughs which the other 10 parts have been created) which is made up of Caterham, Banstead, Dorking, Horley and Oxted; modest commuter settlements, farming and retirement homes.  The northern part is inside the M25 including CaterhamWhyteleafe and Warlingham form green-buffered, elevated commuter belt, with good rail connections to Central London and well-connected to Croydon. Elsewhere, the seat is more rural and features woodland and many golf courses East Surrey is a constituency represented in the by Claire Coutinho MP (Conservative).

Surrey is generally not as ethnically diverse as the rest of England. In East Surrey 8.3% of the population are of non-white ethnic backgrounds compared to 14.6% for England. 


Our Story

Meet The Team

My name is Mary Reid, 
live in Merstham, I am a mindset mentor, singer and digital investor. I have experience as an educator and worked in both primary and secondary schools, inspiring and encouraging children and young people.

I joined SP360 Surrey because, I feel there is a deficit in the area, of any form of multiculturalism demonstrating diversity, and would like to see active change here, and most importantly, how I can encourage, inspire and challenge black women to finding our purpose, together, irrespective of age. 

There is a community here, albeit hidden somewhat, and they need supporting, so SP360 Surrey would facilitate that.

Our Clients

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