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Finding Inspiration in Every Turn

This page is dedicated to all things Soul Purpose 360 Sierrra Leone, Africa.

Here you can find out who the local facilitators are, dates of meetings and much more.

Soul Purpose 360 Sierra Leone Logo
About Sierra Leone 

Strength in sistahood

Sierra Leone, officially the Republic of Sierra Leone, is a country on the southwest coast of West Africa. It shares its south eastern border with Liberia, and the northern half of the nation is surrounded by Guinea. Covering a total area of 71,740 km2 (27,699 sq mi), Sierra Leone has a tropical climate, with diverse environments ranging from savanna to rainforests. The country has a population of 7,092,113 as of the 2015 census.  Freetown is the capital and largest city. The country is divided into five administrative regions, which are subdivided into 16 districts.

Regional Facilitators

Fatima Koroma



Soul purpose Salone SL has been through a very eventful transition 

The people of Sierra Leone are predominantly religious, but many practice indigenous ideologies. 
Poverty is high, and women, children and elderly are the most marginalised communities. As a developing nation, there are areas where amenities are great and others that lack any amenities at all. 
Opportunities for employment are limited so many carry out trading as a means to survive. The barriers to living your dream are many and many are more content to get married early to relieve burden on their families.   
There is a great need for more support for women, especially as they are generally the carers of their families. 
This might need more…….,,,

Why I joined Soul Purpose 360
My mother left Sierra Leone when she was very young. Unable to finish school due to pregnancy, the stigma meant she left her main support to go and begin her life in the UK.  As a single Mother the strain on her was always apparent.  My Mother prepared me well for the world ahead, but her life revolved around her single parent life - no holiday, no reward and definitely no pay. I remember my Aunt telling me how proud my mother was of me, although sometimes she didn’t show it. 

My mother came from a generation straight out of colonialism, control and exploitation. I  reached adulthood before I realised how unhappy she really was. Mum died in January 2023, she never lived her life as she would have wanted, the interferences, distractions and hurdles were too many. 
The one thing I know my Mother did appreciate in me was my ability to just do, I was always stubborn about barriers on my life and always tried to overcome them. I tried to move to SL before with my children I returned to the UK after three years, very unhappy to leave. This was my dream and family commitments meant I couldn’t make it my reality. 
I too was now a single mum striving to make life work. I started an organisation to help other marginalised vulnerable women. Too my surprise it grew and I was in charge of a overused community resource. By the time I met Palma, I was overworked, overwhelmed and very unhappy. Coaching with Palma SP 360 forced me to look at my life and make subtle but substantial changes to develop myself and create the happier life I wanted. I had already started my SL journey before my Mother’s passing but now no more little steps. I’m going for the life I want.
My Mothers life has inspired me to live my Soul Purpose, my life is a continuous journey of many strong powerful ancestors who broke barriers unapologetically .

We invite you to join us in the Soul Purpose 360 Network of like-minded Black women, with similar experiences, desires and aspirations from across the globe from where you can share and be supported, learn and grow, be inspired and have fun.

Welcome to Soul Purpose 360 Africa!! 

Tell us what you want from the group.

Programme 2023

Details of your regions Black women's empowerment programme will be posted here in due course. 

Our Supporters

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