What is Soul Purpose 360?

Soul Purpose 360 Pitch Deck

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Our journey so far

Soul Purpose 360 Pitch Deck
Soul Purpose 360 is on a mission to motivate, inspire and imbue confidence in Black and minoritised women to help them overcome personal obstacles and challenges in their lives by bringing personal development tools within reach - so often denied them.
We are a not-for-profit social enterprise registered as a Community Interest Company. ​All our profits are reinvested into the business for the long-term sustainability of the venture.
Soul Purpose 360 is rooted in community development. We are keen to see more Black women become actively involved in their communities - influencing and shaping social change for all.
We are a member-led organisation. Members of our Black Women's Networking & Empowerment Circles are actively engaged in the direction of the organisation.
We recognise that the motivation for getting involved in community life through activities like volunteering, setting up community projects such as a charity or community group or even launching a social enterprise, can be a daunting task.
We work by blending personal development with community development to empower Black women to find their soul purpose - to see the value in their lived-experiences, to empower, motivate and inspire women to live their best lives by contributing positively to their communities as Changemakers.
Member of the Black Women's Networking & Empowerment Circle